In His
Name the most High
Imam Hasan ibn Ali [Mojtaba](a.s)-
The Generous One
Of the Household of the Prophet Mohammad(s)
How brilliants are words of wisdom narrated from the most pious grandson of the Holy Prophet Mohammad(S), named Hassan ibn Ali (A.S) the 2nd Infallible Imam……
- "He was asked: what is asceticism?
- He answered: Asceticism is the desire for God –fearing and the abstinence from the worldly pleasure.
- What is clemency?
- Clemency is the suppression of ones anger and selfPossession.
- What is appositeness?
- Appositeness is to shove evil by means of goodness.
- What is honor?
- Honor is to regard the clan and assume a part of their misdeeds.
- What is relief?
- Relief is to protect the refugee, to be firm in misfortunes, and to be courageous in crises.
- What is glory?
- Glory is to give in loss and forgive the sin.
- What is chivalry?
- Chivalry is to keep the religion, promote the personality, be lenient, sustain in doing favors, fulfill the right and behave
amicably with people.
- What is Generosity?
- Generosity is to begin with providing the gift before it is asked from you and serve food in time of famine.
- What is vice?
- Vice is to take care in worthless things and refrain from giving the few.
- What is meanness?
- Meanness is the fewness of giving and the speech of obscene language.
- What is indulgence?
- Indulgence is to give in sorrow and in joy.
- What is avarice?
- Avarice is to consider what you have in hand as an honor and what you have spent as waste.
- What is fraternity? Fraternity is to keep fraternity in misfortune and luxury.
- What is cowardice? Cowardice is to dare the friend and fear the enemy.
- What is opulence?
- Opulence is to satisfy with the fated regardless of its quantity.
- What is poverty?
- Poverty is to be greedy to everything.
- What is liberality? Liberality is to do the best.
- What is intrepidity?
- Intrepidity is to challenge the opponents.
- What is might? Might is the intensity of power and the contest against the strong men.
- What is humility?
- Humility is to feel fearful in situations of frankness.
- What is clumsiness?
- Clumsiness is to confront the ruler and that is more powerful than you.
- What is sublimity?
- Sublimity is to do the good and avoid the evil.
- What is determination?
- Determination is to be long – suffering, behave leniently with the rulers, and be cautious against all people.
- What is honor?
- Honor is to accede to the friends and regard the neighbors.
- What is deprivation?
- Deprivation is to shun the opportunity when you are able to seize it.
- What is foolishness?
- Foolishness is to pursue the mean and associate with the seducers.
- What is faltering?
- Faltering is to play with your beard and to hem excessively before you speak.
- What is courage?
- Courage is to challenge the opponents and to be steadfast during fighting.
- What is overacting?
- Overacting is to intrude in unconcerned matters.
- What is stupidity?
- Stupidity is to behave foolishly with the wealth and to disregard the honor.
- What is lowliness?
- Lowliness is to will to have every thing for oneself and to dissociate with the companion."
Tuhaf al-ughool, Page 261-264
All congratulations on the threshold of the arrival of Imam Mahdi (A.S), the Expected one, to all true Muslims throughout the world, to all shia on the birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S), the 2nd infallible Imam of the Household of the Prophet Mohammad(S).
The fifteenth of Ramazan, ( Sat, Sep,5.2009) is the birth anniversary of the eldest grandson of the Holy Prophet(S). his father was Imam Ali (A.S) and his mother was lady Fatemeh (S.A), the daughter of the Prophet (S) .He was born in 3 A.H/625 C.E in Medina. His agnomen is Abu Mohammad. The Holy Prophet (S) described Imam Hassan(A.S) and his younger brother Imam Hussain(A.S)in the following ways;
Hassanain means Hassan and Hussain.
Sebtain means tow sons of the Prophet(s).
Sheblain: tow lions.
Sayyedain : two masters or tow chiefs.
Raihanatain: tow fragrant flowers.
Imamatain : tow leaders or Imams.
The Holy Prophet(S) had immense love for Hassan(A.S) and Hussain(A.S).He used to say "My grandsons Hassan(A.S)and Hussain are the masters of the youth of Paradise"
The Holy Prophet(S) would enfold them together in his warm and affectionate arms. He would make both of them sit together on his knees. When the verse of purity (Ayat tatheer) was revealed, the Holy Prophet (S) covered them along with their father Ali (A.S) and their mother Lady Fatemeh (S.A) with a Yemeni mantle and said "O,Allah, these are my household members."
During the event of Mubahala, too, after the Christain priests had come to discover the truth about the Prophet (S) and it was decided that both sides would come with their most beloved ones and invoke a curse upon themselves if they were liars, he came with his tow grandsons along with their father and mother, as Almighty Allah ordered:
"say: Come! We will summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and
(Holy Qoran, Verse61, Sura 3, [ The Family of Imran])
Lady Fatemeh (S.A) said:" Hassan (A.S) looked very much like the Holy Prophet(S), and my father loved him very much. He loved him more than a grandfather could love his grandson. He would place him on his shoulders, saying:
'Anyone who loves me must love Hassan (A.S) as well.'" She also said:" My father would quite firmly give orders that his followers and friends should be Hassan's (A.S) followers and friends as well."
One time, the followers of the Prophet (S) noticed that the Prophet (S) made an exceptionally long prostration (sujdeh) during prayers they asked him, why did you make such a long prostration? Did an angel appear?" The Prophet (S) replied," No, as I was prostrating my son Hassan (A.S) got on my back, and I waited until he got off before I arose."
The Holy Prophet (S) loved them both tremendously. The reason for this great love was quite obvious. He used to say: "God has ordered me to love and cherish these tow for God supports those friends who are friends of theirs."
The Prophet's (S) companions and followers often heard him
"Hassan (A.S) and Hussein (A.S) are masters, leading both the people in this world, as well as those (youth) in the next world (heaven)."
He emphasized the fact that both of them were infallible and that their enemies would be despised and cursed by God.
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
"The blood of Muslims will be saved by him [Imam Hassan (AS)], through the grace of God."
The Imam's Peace Treaty
One of the most important of the many unforgettable historical events in the little of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S) was his Peace Treaty, which was a rational, logical, and political action which saved the blood of thousands of Muslims, as predicted by the Holy Prophet (S).
Describing all the details of the Peace Treaty is outside of the scope of this article, yet some points should be noted. Imam Hassan (A.S) was chosen to be caliph (political leader) after the martyrdom
of Imam Ali (A.S), but faced the insolent opposition of Muawiyah, the insurgent governor of Syria. Soon the war fought against Ali (A.S) was waged again for power and the caliphate and the armies of Imam Hassan (A.S) and Muawiyah arrayed themselves for battle.
Imam Hassan (A.S) examined the condition of his army and saw the unconcealed treachery of most of his commanders. A call to end hostilities between his force and Muawiyah's forces was accepted mutually. He sacrificed his own right to the caliphate by signing a conditional treaty, with conditions in the interests of Islam. Thus, he entirely devoted himself to his more important task of religious guidance of Muslims as their divinely appointed Imam.
In fact, there were tow essential reason that led to his abdication in Muawiyah's favor. First, even though his forces fought against Muawiyah, they had neither unity nor honor. A great number of them were bribed and purchased by Muawiyah. Also, through a strategy of deceptive propaganda, Muawiyah created the impression among most Muslims that he was a staunch supporter of Islam and a defender of the cause of the poor and oppressed.
Because of this and for many other reasons, Imam Hassan (A.S) decided to end the destructive war so that the perverse personality of Muawiyah and his evil designs would be revealed to the people beyond doubt and so that they would understand the true nature of the regime of the Umayyad. He knew that this understanding would prepare the way for the revolution led by Imam Hussein (A.S).
Hence, Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S) singed a peace treaty with Muawiyah to protect the foundation of Islam from annihilation and laid down certain points which Muawiyah quickly accepted but never intended to adhere to. Thus the Imam (A.S) singed the Peace Treaty, saving the blood of thousands of Muslims.
Imam Hassan Mujtaba's (A.S) Character
The eldest grandson of the Holy Prophet (S) was the one who resembled him the most. He was a great orator. Several of his speeches are extant. He is said to have been a ruler of mild disposition who never lost his composure and who was generous and pious. Out of piety he made 25pilgrimages on foot.
He was extremely generous. It is reported that he twice
gave all his wealth to the poor. He was so eager to pray and Godfearing that his whole body shivered when he was performing ablutions before prayer.
His dedication in helping the poor and accepting their
invitations was known to all.
His high morality and exceptional character were revealed through his generosity and piety.
Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S), the second infallible Imam, was poisoned by Joda, the daughter of Ashas, in a plot devised by Muawiyah.
Wish you a blessed 15th Ramazan.
Sat, May,9.202